Drink tips
- Know your limits.
- Space Your Drinks—e.g. one per hour (two at the most). Know that all drinks are not created equal. For example, a Long Island Iced Tea may have as many as 3 to 7 shots of alcohol, which can take as long as 2 to 6 hours to metabolize.
- Don't drink on an empty stomach. You are more likely to get sick and less likely to be able to control yourself when you do drink on an empty stomach.
- Keep count of the amount of drinks you've drank.
- Don't drink and drive--Plan ahead for transportation; Use public transport or call a taxi!
- Stay with people you know and trust, but BEWARE, people's personalities are affected by alcohol use!
- Alcohol and sex don't mix! The mixture often leads to humiliation, regret, embarrassment, STD's, pregnancy and sexual assault!
- Never accept a drink from someone you don't know--You don't know what they could have put in it!
- Pregnant or think you might be? Alcohol goes straight from a mother's bloodstream to the unborn baby causing birth defects and other abnormalities.
- Please don't use alcohol to make yourself feel better when you are depressed--talk it out, go for a walk, listen to music--make some connections. Alcohol will not solve your problems--even if it helps you escape for a few hours. Look at all the people and resources around you--there must be someone you can tell your story to!
- Never go drink on an empty stomach.
- You decide how much you drink, not your friends.
- Make it last longer.
- Don’t mix the drinks and always eat between them.
- Oily food – less alcohol absorption.
- When dizzy, take a break.
- When feeling sick, go throw up.
- Careful what you combine! Pay attention to the warning labels on prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Combining alcohol and marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine, speed or other drugs can be very dangerous, due to interaction effects.
- Make sure you eat!
- Purchase your alcohol in adavance:
- This way at least you will realize when you go over the top how the heck you got so plastered. You will also realize you are unable to drive, and that you probably shouldn’t take on any sort of responsibility.
- Watch out for your friends.http://healthy--body--tips.blogspot.com/2008/12/drinking-tips.html
- You may already know that a healthy lifestyle involves balancing many different elements - staying physically active, consuming a balanced diet, getting enough rest - and even keeping a positive attitude.
- All beverages contribute to hydration. But some also provide important nutrients that help keep your bones and teeth strong and play a role in keeping your heart healthy. Some beverages can help you perform your best. Others can help you feel energized or help you relax, while others provide pure enjoyment, satisfying your natural taste for sweetness -- with or without calories.
- There are a variety of reasons to drink plenty of water each day. Adequate water intake prevents dehydration, cleans out the body, and promotes healing processes. Substituting water for beverages high in calories can also help control weight.
- Determine how much water you need.
- Measure your daily intake of water.
- Learn to acquire a taste for water.
- Carry water with you everywhere put it in a bottle or other container.
- Keep a glass or cup of water next to you whenever you'll be sitting down for a long time, such as when you're at your desk at work.
- Try wearing a digital watch that beeps at the beginning of each hour.
- Get a water purification system.
- Add lemons or limes to your water.
- Eat water rich foods, such as fruits like watermelon, which is 92% water by weight.
- Keep water cold if it tastes better for you.
- Climate can drastically change how much water you need.
Food supplement is a complement, nutrition and not a substitute for food. Food supplements in general, including vitamins (eg vitamin C) and minerals, Botanical (eg herbs and plant products), and the substance or substances derived from natural sources (eg, milk whey and glucosamine). Supplements that can complement a healthy diet for improved health and increased life expectancy.We have been brought up to believe that eating healthy foods will provide us with all the vitamins and minerals that we need, and that this is sufficient to prevent illness. However, the therapeutic effects of supplementation for prevention of disease and slowing down of aging is supported by current research. - Supplements are not drugs.Drugs are chemicals that are used to cure a disease and ease the pain inflicted. Drugs are substances that work hard enough for the body and often have side effects.Therefore, the uses of drugs usually have a doctor's prescription. While most of the supplements work as nutritional supplements in addition to the food consumed daily. - Supplements are also a substance that helps optimize the body function and hormones.
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